Stamp Ministry
In the past 1 1/2 years Calvary UMC Ambler collected over 5,000 stamps for the Alliance Stamp Ministry. This organization has been collecting used stamps since 1972. The stamps are sold to stamp dealers around the world which raised over 1 million dollars for the publication of Spanish Sunday school curriculum and missions in 19 different Spanish speaking countries in South America, Central America, Spain and the USA.
* leave the stamps on the envelopes and trim with a 1/4” to 1/3” border around the stamp
* place all stamps in a small plastic bag

Mattie Dixon Food Cupboard
Mattie Dixon Food Cupboard in Ambler helps over 400 families in need in Montgomery county including clothing, holiday meals and programs. We hold food drives throughout the year at Calvary. Click the learn more button for the most current wishlist. You can donate online anytime or drop off in person.

Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child delivers great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to children in need around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes.
Each box is packed full of quality toys, school supplies, and personal care items. Delivered by our local church partners, shoebox gifts provide an opportunity to present the Gospel to boys and girls in a clear, child-friendly way.
Click on the learn more button below for shoe box item suggestions.
Each year Calvary UMC Ambler hosts a packing party in October and a shoebox Sunday where you bring in your prefilled boxes to the church in November. Please start collecting school supplies and other items for your boxes!

One House at a Time (OHAAT)
Through our Beds for Kids program we are working towards ending child & family bedlessness by providing beds and other sleep essentials to families in need in the Philadelphia, Montgomery, Bucks, Chester and Delaware counties of Pennsylvania.
Calvary UMC Ambler is starting a monthly service project to make no-sew blankets starting in August. If you prefer to make the blanket at home the church will have kits available for pick up please contact the church office for more details about the at home kits.